uKnowva Configuration/Administration



Enter the SMTP Port No. Usually, it is 25.


Enter your SMTP Host IP/Name here.

SMTP Username

Enter the username used to log in to your SMTP server here.

SMTP Password

Enter the password used to log in to your SMTP server here.

Emails per Cron

uKnowva maintains an email queue that stores all the mails that need to be sent out to users and delivers them at regular intervals while running the cron tasks. This number determines how many emails should be sent per cron. Keep it high in case you have many users.

Tag Settings

Enable Automatic Tag Creation

When set to yes, uKnowva will automatically create new #Tags if a particular tag does not exist. Else, only tags predefined in Tags Manager by the administrator shall be allowed.

Allow Tag creation to

Select the user groups that shall be allowed to create new #Tags, if nothing is selected here, and automatic tag creation is set to Yes, then all users shall be allowed to create new #Tags.

Minimum Tag Length

If you set blank or 0 here, #Tags of any length shall be allowed; else, only the #Tags having minimum character length as specified here shall be allowed.

Maximum Tag Length

If you set blank or 0 here, #Tags of any length shall be allowed, else only the #Tags upto the given length shall be allowed.

Network Settings

Status Limit

Set the maximum number of characters a status update may contain here.

Featured limit

Set the maximum number of users, photo albums, videos and groups that can be featured on uKnowva here.

Enable Photo Sharing

Allow or restrict users from sharing photos on the network using this option.

Allow Photo Upload To

Select the user groups who can upload photos on uKnowva here.

Photo Creation Limit

Set the upper limit on the number of photos a user can upload. Enter 0 if you do not want to set a limit.

Max Upload Size

Set the maximum file size for photos that can be uploaded.

Enable Videos

Allow or restrict users from linking/uploading and sharing videos on the network using this option.

Allow Video Creation To

Select the user groups who can upload/link videos on uKnowva here.

Enable Video Uploads

If enabled, users can upload video files on uKnowva, else they will just be able to link videos. Since, video files are large, they might take a lot of space on your instance. So, it is advisable to disable this option unless you have ample space. Please note: Video upload facility is still in beta and might work differently on different instances.

Video Creation Limit

The maximum number of videos a user can upload. Set it to 0 if you want no limits.

Max upload Size (Videos)

Maximum allowed size for videos in MB. This should not exceed 20 MB.

Path to FFMPEG

uKnowva uses a server side library called FFMPEG to convert videos that are uploaded by users in .flv format. Enter the absolute path of the FFMPEG folder here. If not entered, some videos/video thumbnails shall not render properly.

Video Quantizer Scale

If you are using FFMPEG then please specify the quantizer scale. This is basicaaly the video quality. Select between 1 (excellent quality) and 31 (worst quality). 5, 9, 11 are recommended.

Video Size

Enter the size of videos in width x height format. All videos shall be displayed in the selected size.

Max Messages/Groups/Photos/Videos per Day

Set the maximum number of messages a user can send, groups he can create & photos and videos he can upload in a day here.

Max Colleague Requests/Day

Set the maximum number of colleague requests a user can send in a day here.