How to Schedule an Interview in the uKnowva Recruitment Module

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The uKnowva Recruitment Module simplifies the interview scheduling process, allowing you to schedule and manage interviews seamlessly. Follow the steps below to schedule an interview for your candidates.


Steps to Schedule an Interview


Step 1: Go to the "My Applicants" sub-menu under the Recruitment menu. In the Status section, select "Interview Scheduled" from the dropdown menu. This will help you identify candidates who are ready for interview scheduling.


Step 2: Navigate to the "My Scheduled Interview" sub-menu in the Recruitment menu. Here, you can view all the interviews that have been conducted or are scheduled to take place.


Step 3: On the interview scheduling page, enter the Interviewer’s name, the Date of the interview, and the Location. For the location, you will have options like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, or Face-to-Face.




Step 4: Click on the "Send the invite to Candidate" toggle button to send an email invitation to the candidate for the scheduled interview.


Step 5: You can personalize the invitation by editing the details, such as the candidate's name, interview time, and location, to make it specific to each candidate.



Step 6: Scroll down to view the available keywords that you can use in the candidate’s email subject and body. These keywords help personalize the email automatically. Once you’re done, click Save to confirm and send the invitation.


Step 7: If you need to make any changes to the interview details, simply click on the "Edit Interview" button. You can then adjust the interviewer, date, time, or location as necessary.


By following these steps, you can easily schedule and manage interviews in uKnowva HRMS, ensuring a smooth interview process for both candidates and recruiters. 

Click here to learn about How to Add Sources in uKnowva Recruitment Module

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