Restoring uKnowva

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Just like the process of backing up of uKnowva, the restoration process also has 3 steps.

Step 1: Restore Your Code

If you are restoring on different server other than the one you backed up the instance from, please make sure that you have the server side software installed and running on the new server. For more information, click here. Also, please note: To make sure, your instance works seamlessly on the new server, make sure your php and apache configurations/modules are exactly same on the new server compared to your old server. To check the configurations, you can simply compare your php.ini and httpd.conf files. To check the PHP and apache modules, just run the below commands on the server through command line (Only for linux based servers):

Find PHP modules:

php -m

Find Apache modules:

httpd -M

Once you are through with the above checks, just copy and paste the backed up zip file to the root folder of your web server's public directory. Once pasted extract the files there.

Step 2: Restore Your Database

You can restore your database by 3 methods—with phpMyAdmin, HeidiSQL, or MySQL command line.

Restore with phpMyAdmin:

Please visit OR watcjh the video at

Restore with HeidiSQL:

Please visit

Restore with MySQL Command Line:

Please visit

If your database credentials have changed, follow these steps after restoration:

  1. Delete your configuration file.
  2. Download the new configuration file from here.
  3. Save the new configuration file to the same location as the old file.
  4. Open the file and make the required changes in the fields displayed below :

  5. Save and run uKnowva. The new file will  automatically get encrypted

Step 3: Restore the Documents Folder

Copy and paste the backed up zip file to the folder outside of public access. Once pasted, extract the files there.

Then, open uKnowva and in Global Configuration enter the path of the location where the files are saved.

In case you face any problems, then please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., our awesome support team will surely help you!

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