Change management process in uKnowva

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Different customers have different needs, hence arises the need to change/customize a few processes/features. While we have followed best practices in the industry in all our modules/extensions, but there is always a need sometime for a few customers to change a few things like leave policy, late mark rules, etc..

So how is such change managed @ uKnowva?

  1. Configuration: Most of the changes would be easily configurable in the system or available on the extension store. Configuration means you need not write any code to achieve it, it is just a setting you need to change from uKnowva configuration or install an extension from our extension store
  2. There might be certain changes which may not be possible with a ready configuration, this can still be achieved by doing customization and we classify such customization into 2 categories:
    • Best Practices: If our product team assesses and classifies the change as a best practice .i.e. it is a good thing to do for our product enhancement, then we do this for free as a part of our product roadmap development cycle
    • Customization: If a change is very much specific for a customer and the product team is of the opinion that this change would not be create much value for the product in future, then the change shall be classified as a customization, which still can be achieved, but would involve an additional cost and effort. The effort estimate can be shared by the implementation team in such case 

How can I raise a feature request or CR request?

As a customer, you can raise request for a change in following ways

  1. Raise a feature request on , our product team shall then review the request and put it as a part of roadmap and notify you once the feature is available. If you do not wish to wait for product release and want a feature/customization upfront, then you may consider raising a CR request instead from below link
  2. Raise a CR request on , our team shall assess the request and provide with an effort estimation for the same.

A question everyone would have: By doing customization, will I loose on future upgrades? Answer is No. We do customization at the extension layer which ensures the core remains the same and all future upgrades will not break your customization.

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