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Network is the meeting place of all members of uKnowva. It is where all ideas are created, knowledge is shared and news is exchanged. Network is where a user can view and edit his profile, upload and share photos, link videos, join and/or create groups, and create events. 

All these options have been explained further in the following sections.

When you click on “Network,” the following page opens:

On this page, you can view the recent activities of your Colleagues, update your status, upload and share photos and videos, create events and invite others, create discussions, and create polls. These activities can be done using the following tabs:

My Profile

This is the first option in the Network tab. Here, you can view and edit your profile, and upload documents. These files will be downloadable by anyone who views your profile.

Viewing your Profile
  • Hover the mouse pointer over “Network” àClick “My Profile”
Editing your Profile
  1. Click “Edit Profile” (on the top right of the Profile page). The Edit Profile page opens.
  2. Make the necessary changes and click Save.
 Uploading Documents to Your Profile

There are 2 ways to upload files

  • Click “Upload a File” in the Profile page àBrowse and select the appropriate file àOpen

Upload Docs


  • Drag and drop the required files into the indicated area

Drag and Drop files 

Editing and Deleting Documents

When you take the mouse pointer over the file name, 2 options appear. The first option is for Editing the file and the second one (red) is for Deleting the file.

Edit and delete docs

Sharing Status, Photos, Videos, and Events

Status, photos, videos, and events can be shared from the Profile page as well. Only click on the tab that you want to share via and upload and/or enter your data as applicable.


Checking Colleagues’ Updates

Updates by all your colleagues will be shown under the “Recent Updates” heading in the “Network” and “Profile” pages.


Groups are made for specific purposes. They are created so that discussions and knowledge sharing can be carried out among a specific group of users on specific topics. For example, a group can be created for a particular project with the project members as the members of the project as a part of the group. This group will be a private group, i.e., non-members will not be able to view the content of the group nor will they be able to join it without an invitation from the Group Administrator. 

The “Groups” page looks like this:

Creating a Group
  1. Click “Create”
  2. Enter the Name and Description. You can also set the group as private or not.
  3. Click “Create Group”
  4. You can also set advanced options for the group such as setting the limit for number of albums and videos that can be uploaded to the group, allowing only admins to create events, etc.
Joining a Group

A user can directly join any public group. To join a group,

  1. Enter the group by clicking the name of the group in the Groups page.
  2. Click “Group Options”àJoin Group
  3. For Private groups, the Admin of the group will have to accept your joining request. Once accepted, you will become a member of that group.
Group Options

The “Options” bar in the “Groups” page has the following options:

  1. All Groups: Displays all the groups that have been created in the network, even ones that you are not a member of.
  2. My Groups: Displays all groups that you are a member of.
  3. Pending Invitations: Displays any invitations that you have not accepted yet.
  4. Search: You can search for groups using the Search function.
  5. There is a toggle function that is displays “Group Categories”


Users can upload photos and view other user’s photos in the gallery. The photos uploaded can be work-related or not. The various features and options related to Photos are as follows:

Photo Albums

When you click on Photos under the Network tab, the “Albums” page opens. It displays the albums of all users.


Creating an Album and Uploading Photos

There are two ways of creating an album and uploading photos into it. In the first method,

  1. On the Photos page, click “Create Photo Album”
    Create Album 1
  2. Enter the Name, Description, Location, and set the access rights for the album
  3. Click “Create Album”
    Enter Details
  4. Once created, in the album page, click “Upload Photos”
  5. Click “Add Files” to browse and add photos or Drag and Drop the photos into the designated area.
    Upload Photos

In the second method of creating an album and uploading photos, 

  1. In the Photos page, click “Upload Photos”
  2. Enter the name of the album
  3. Add files by either browsing for them or drag and drop
    Photos Second Method
Deleting Photos and Albums

For deleting photos,

  1. Click the name of the album whose photos you want to delete
  2. Hover the mouse pointer over the photo you want to delete
  3. Click the red icon

For deleting albums,

  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the album you want to delete. Three options appear
  2. Click the third option (the red icon)


Videos, like photos, can be uploaded for sharing with other members of the network. To access all videos, 

Hover the mouse pointer over “Network”àVideos

Adding Videos
  1. Click “Add” on the right-hand corner of the options tab
  2. Enter the Link URL, Location, Category, and set the viewing rights
  3. Click “Link Videos”

The other 2 options are “My Videos” and “Search.”

My Videos: Lets you view only the videos that you have uploaded

Search: Lets you search for videos

Deleting Videos
  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the video you want to delete (2 options appear)
  2. Click the 2nd option (the red option)

Editing Video Details
  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the video whose details you want to edit (2 options appear)
  2. Click the 1st option



The “Events” option is used as a means of broadcasting and inviting colleagues for events. You can either create an event in uKnowva or import an already created event.

Creating Events

There are 3 methods of creating events:

Through the Network page:

You can use the Events tab in the Share section to create your event and post in your recent activities. You only have to—Click the Events tabàFill in all the detailsàClick Share

Through the Events option under Network:
  1. Go to NetworkàEvents
  2. Click “Create Event”
  3. Fill in all the necessary details
  4. Click “Create Event”

Through “My Calendar”
  1. Click “My Calendar” in the menu bar
  2. Switch to full view
  3. Click on the date that you want to create the event for
  4. Fill in all the necessary details
  5. Click Save
Searching for an Event
  1. Click “Search” in the options tab of “Events”
  2. Type the event name or a part of the name in the textbox
  3. Click “Search”
  4. The results are displayed in another page

 The “Advanced Search” option is also available for narrowing the search area.


 The page that opens is such:

Importing Events

Events from iCal can be imported into uKnowva. The steps are as follows:

  1. Click “Import”
  2. Select the mode through which you want to import the event
  3. Accordingly, enter the URL or browse and select the file
  4. Click Import
Viewing Past Events

To view events that have already occurred, use the “Past Events” option in the Events options.