Tracking Your Team’s Daily Attendance

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Tracking your team’s daily attendance

When you have daily visibility of your team member’s attendance report, you can make better decisions about the workflow for the day. You will not have to micromanage your teammates.

The data representation on this page will be enough to know who has already logged in, who is missing, how many are on leave, etc. Accordingly, you can take corrective action, like daily follow-ups or urgent assignment of value-adding tasks.

Click the Daily Attendance Report sub-menu from the Leave’s main menu.

On the Daily Attendance Report, you will find the entire list of your team members, divided into mini tabs like Present, Absent, On Leave, Optional Holiday, and Team’s Location. Get an idea of who in your team is present or logged in and who is officially on leave or absent without prior notice.

In the Present tab, find details like username, name, date, sign-in time, sign-out time, total worked hours, and description (if the team member adds it).

Click on the Eye icon under the Action section of the concerned user to view their attendance calendar for the month for further details.

In the Absent tab, find the usernames and names of employees who are yet to log in.

In the Leave tab, find the username, name, leave type, from and to dates, duration, and reason for each employee who has been granted a leave.

In the Optional Holiday tab, find the usernames, names, holiday names, and dates for each such employee in your team who was granted a restricted holiday.

In the Team’s Location tab, find active or online users pinned on the map to trace their latest live location.

Now, check the top right corner of the page. You will find two buttons: Export and a Funnel icon.

Click Export when you want to download this daily attendance report for further analysis.

Click the Funnel icon when you want to filter the daily attendance report according to the fields that are accessible to you. These could be Date, Team Members, Designation, City/Town, State, etc.

Once you filter the fields, click Search to get a filtered version of this page. Or else, click Reset to get back to the default view.


The super admin might add or remove filters in any of the sub-menus above as per the organisation’s policy.

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