Updating Your Team Members’ Details

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Updating your team members’ details

Edit, update, and import your team members details with this page that reflects their vital information like name, username, email ID, and designation.

Get to this page when you click the Team Members sub-menu in the main menu of Team.

Under the Action section, you have options to allocate or update shifts to the concerned team members with the Shuffle icon.

The new page that opens after clicking the Shuffle icon highlights your selected team member’s details like their email address, full name, and shift timings for each day in a tabular format.

Click on any of the dates on which you would like to update their shift. A window pops up where you will have a drop-down list of various shifts existing in your system. Once you select a shift, click Submit.

The shift timings will update automatically on the table and on the user’s profile. Otherwise, click Cancel if you do not wish to change the timings right now.

Close this pop-up window and know that you can also use the arrow buttons at the top right corner of the table to go back and forth between weeks before deciding which day or week’s shift you want to change for the selected user or team member.

You can also use the Funnel button at the top right corner of this page to filter the page view based on month, year, start date, end date etc., after clicking Search. Otherwise click Reset to set the pageview to default.

Now, go back to the Team Members page and check their leave balances by clicking the calendar icon.

You can also click the three-dot icon next to the calendar to edit your team member’s profile and user details.

Click on Edit Profile and a new window pops up. From here, you can directly edit and update your team member’s profile details like:

  • Account information
  • Basic information
  • Personal information
  • Bank information
  • Salary details

Once you’re done with the changes, click Save, or else, click Cancel if you want to reset and restart the changes.

Close the window and now select Edit User to update or edit your team member’s user details, including:

  • Email ID
  • Username
  • Name
  • Designation
  • Role
  • Reporting manager
  • DOB
  • Mobile number
  • Cost Centre
  • Company
  • Department

Once you’re done updating, click Submit, or else, click Cancel to restart.


Now, close the window and go back to the Team Members page.

On the top side of the page, you have an option to Onboard Users. When you click on it, you get three options to do so:

  • Quick onboarding
  • Full onboarding
  • Import Users


Click on Quick Onboarding and wait for a new pop-up window to appear. It asks you to add quick details of your team member, like:

  • Emp code
  • Email ID
  • Username
  • Name
  • Role
  • Designation
  • Image
  • Relationship Manager

Once you’re done adding details, click on Save and close the window. Otherwise, click Cancel to restart.


Now go back to the second option, that is, Full Onboarding. It will also open a new pop-up window that will ask you for complete details of your team member related to their:

  • Account information
  • Basic information
  • Personal information
  • Bank information
  • Salary details

And more.

Click on Save once you’re done adding details and close the window as the new employee will appear on the Team Members page then. Otherwise, click Cancel to restart.


Now, go to the third option, that is, Import Users. Wait for a new pop-up window to load. As it does, it asks you to upload a CSV file in a set format to upload users in bulk. The format of the CSV is already defined and is easily available to download to check when you click on “Download CSV Import Template File.”


Once you know what template is to be created and filled for bulk import, click on the Choose File button at the bottom and start uploading users in bulk.

You can also select additional tasks, like “Send Welcome Email,” or “Create New Designation,” for the newly imported users in bulk to automate the process of onboarding. These are available to select right above the Choose File button.

Now close the window and come back to the Team Members page. At the top side of this page, you have another button named Resend Welcome Email.

Select certain users by clicking the white boxes before their names first. Then click on this button. A pop-up flashes at the top, asking for confirmation. Click OK to confirm and wait for a few seconds. The system will give another pop-up window to notify that your welcome email has been sent out.

Otherwise, click Cancel on the confirmation pop-up if you do not wish to proceed with sending out the welcome email again.

Then, at the top of the page, you have a third option named Advanced Console.

Click on it to go to the user manager page to execute actions like activate/deactivate users from the system, sending them customisable emails and notifications, exporting their documents etc.


Go back to the Team Members page and find the fourth option at the top, that is Assign Shift. Ideally you can assign shifts by clicking the Shuffle Icon under the Action section, which we have explained above.

Additionally, you can select multiple users by clicking the white boxes before their name for assigning them the same shift one after another when you go to the Assign Shift page after clicking the button and save your time.

Then we have the Import Shift button at the top right corner of the Team Members page to upload the shift details of your team members in a CSV file.

When you click on this option, a pop-up window will appear. There, you can upload the CSV file and click Upload CSV file to initiate and complete manual upload of your team’s current shift records.

Click on the Funnel at the top right corner to filter this page with the fields like User Group, Designation, City/Town, State, etc.

Click Search to get the filtered page view or Reset to get back to the default view.

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