Checking Your Team’s Utilization Hours

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Checking your team’s utilization hours


Go to the My Team Utilization page to check the hours worked by your team members in total. Find and click this page from the Timesheet main menu.

This page is divided into two different views: Analytics and Data view.

Let’s talk about the analytics view first.

Go to the Analytics section by clicking on its name.

Find a few snippets of insights on the hours worked by your team members at the topmost section of this view. Such insights might include:

  • No. of hours
  • No. of projects
  • No. of clients
  • Total utilization of hours for your team members in percentage

The insights here may vary as per the settings configured by your super admin.

The next section of this page shows you various graphs or charts. Each chart or graph has a three-line button at the top right corner.

Click on it to have options like:

  • View the selected chart in the full-screen
  • Print the chart
  • Download the chart in selected formats like PDF, JPEG, PNG, etc.

Switch to the Data view by clicking the Data next to the Analytics in the top centre of the page.

This page view shows you the data of your team’s man-hours for each day of the month. It will show you the employee’s name, client, and project name before the hours worked for the month.

At the top right corner of the page, you have the option to download the given list and data in a CSV file by clicking Export. Additionally, filter the page view by clicking the Funnel button. It is available right next to the Export button.

You get to choose fields like the from date, to date, client name, member name, project name, etc., to filter the page view after clicking Select. Go back to the original analytics or data view by clicking Reset.

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