Checking Your Utilization Hours

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Checking your utilization hours


Go to the My Utilization page or sub-menu. Find it under the Timesheets main menu.

This page has an Analytics and Data view of the hours utilized on a client or project.

When you are on the Analytics view, you will see a strip of snippets on insights like:

  • No. of hours worked
  • No. of projects
  • No. of clients you’re managing
  • The total utilization of your working hours in percentage

Now, these snippets may vary depending on the default settings chosen and set up by the system admin.

Just below this section, you will find charts and graphs, giving various insights into the utilization of your working hours according to the timesheets filled by you.

Each graph has a three-line button at the top right corner, giving you options to:

  • View the bar or chart in the full-screen
  • Print the selected chart
  • Download the selected chart in various formats like PNG, JPEG, PDF, etc.

When you switch over to the Data view of this page, you will just get the entire month’s timesheet data in a tabular format. This shows how many hours you’ve recorded or punched into your timesheet for each client and project each day of the month.

At the top of this My Utilization page, you have the option that allows you to download the entire data by clicking the Export button. Also, filter the page view when you click the Funnel icon or button.

Get fields like the from date, to date, client, and project, etc., to filter this page after clicking Select. Otherwise, go back to the original view by clicking Reset.

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