Diving Into Timesheet Analytics

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Diving into timesheet analytics


Go to the Day-to-Day timesheet from the Timesheet main-menu. View this page for accessing raw and analytical format of the timesheet data. In the Draw data view, find columns of the no. of hours worked, no. of man hour cost, etc., for each day recorded in the timesheet.

This tabular format will also highlight the project manager and employee name for each client and their project worked on a particular day.

You have the Copy icon at the top of this section to copy the entire list and paste it in your Excel workbooks for further calculations or audits. You can also click Print to print out this page. Otherwise, click the Export button at the extreme right corner to download the sheet of the currently visible raw data of the timesheet

Switch to the Analytics view of the page, available right next to the Raw Data view option.

The analytics view represents itself with graphs and charts regarding the projects, clients, no. of hours worked, etc. Find the three straight lines at the top right corner of each graph or chart to have options like:

  • View in full-screen
  • Print the chart
  • Download the image in PNG/JPEG/PDF or any other formats

Click the Funnel button or icon, visible to you at the top right corner of the page.

It lets you filter the current page view depending on the user, search bar for keywords, client, project, and deadlines. Click Search once you’ve selected all the fields required to filter the current page view. Click Reset to toggle back to the original view.

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