Editing Team’s Timesheet

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Editing team’s timesheet


Go to the Edit Timesheet sub-menu, which you will find under the Timesheet main menu.

Filter the page view that loads based on fields like Employee name, Year, Month, Start Date, etc. Choose the fields and click Select to get a filtered page of your choice.

Click Reset to go back to the default page view.

Once you’ve selected the team member, you can go on and edit their timesheet in the next section of this page. It highlights all the clients and projects they are working on for the current week.

You can add or remove the client or project details in their timesheet by clicking the + or x icon in front of an entry.

Click the < and > buttons at the top right corner of this section to toggle the view of the current timesheet for the team member and go back to the previous week or the next week’s timesheet for editing purposes.

This section of the timesheet to edit is also colour-coded, with their individual explanation listed at the bottom of this page.

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