Filling Your Timesheet

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Filling your timesheet


Go to the Timesheet sub-menu under the Timesheet main menu to start filing your timesheet for the day, against every project you’re currently working on.

When you go to the Timesheet page, find the proper date format including Year, Month, Week, and Start to End Date to filter the page view after clicking the Search button. Otherwise click Reset and go back to the original view.

To fill your timesheet, go to the next section of the page. It will reflect a colour-coded timesheet for every day. You will get the explanation of each colour at the bottom of the page if one of the particular days is coloured in a different colour to make the filling of the timesheet easier to understand.

Also, you can see a week’s timesheet at once. There are < and > arrow buttons at the top of this section, right next to the total hours column. Click these to toggle the timesheet’s view for the previous or the next week.

Come back to the present week to start filling your timesheet.

Choose the client’s name from the drop-down menu and the same with the project name from the project’s drop-down menu. Select the client’s name first before the project name.

Write down the number of hours, in the blank boxes dedicated to each date, you’ve worked for this client’s project.

You will not be able to add your hours on a public holiday or a day when you’re on leave. The system integrates smartly that way with your leaves and attendance records.

There is a + icon at the end of the total working hours. Click it to add another client and project you’ve worked on in the same week. Add hours in front of their dates as you did with the other client and project.

You can also write down a brief description of each working day by clicking on the three dots besides every working day.

If you want to delete a timesheet record, which you might have entered by mistake, there is an x button, right next to the + icon. Click on it to delete the selected timesheet record.

You can continue to add multiple clients and projects if you’re working on these in a particular week. The page will calculate the total number of hours you’ve worked for on each day and for the entire week to give you and your reporting manager an overview of your billable hours.

Once you complete your timesheet details, it will be forwarded to your immediate approver or reporting manager for approving the billable hours.

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