Managing Project Details

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Managing project details


To find and manage the list of your project, click Projects, the sub-menu, under the Timesheet main menu.

Get a tabular view of the projects on the page that loads in the centre of your screen. It will most likely show you the results like no. of the projects, project name, client (internal/external), status of the project, etc.

Edit the project details by clicking the Pen icon under the Action section. The new page loads and here are all details related to the project you’ve chosen to edit. The details might and mostly likely include:

  • Project name
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Project manager’s name
  • Client detail
  • Description of the project
  • Published and billable status
  • Agreement to be uploaded
  • Reimbursement to be levied on the client or not

The fields may vary according to the default settings set up by the system admin here on this page. However, whenever you’re done editing the project details, click Save. Find this at the bottom of the page.

Go back to the Projects page and click the + icon at the top right side for adding new projects to the system. The action takes you to the similar above as previously edited. This time, you will be adding the project details from scratch.

In fact, the page will have another section dedicated to Project Managers, because you are adding them for the first time in a new project that you’re creating.

Under this section, you have to assign a project manager, and choose their start and end date.

At the top right side of this section, you will find a + icon to add more than one project manager to a project.

Once you’re done filling the information, click Submit. The new project shall be reflected on the previous listicle page of all your project details.

When you’re back on the project page, select multiple projects with the tick boxes before the project number and name.

Then, find the Dustbin icon/button right next to the + icon. Click it to delete all the selected projects at once. This happens in cases when the selected projects have expired and are no longer required to be stored into the system

Now, you can either import a new list of projects or export the current project list when you either click on the Import or Export button at the top right side of this page to carry out the actions individually.

For filtering the page view, you have the Funnel icon/button at the extreme top-right corner of the page. Click it to filter the current list of your projects on the basis of Project, Client, Project Manager, etc.

Click Search once you’re done choosing the filters and have to see the updated page view. Click Reset to go back to the default project page view.

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