Managing Client Details

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Managing client details


Go to the Client sub-menu from the Timesheet main menu on the left side of the panel.

Find the list of all your current clients for whom there are multiple projects that you and your team might be managing or working on.

The page will have details like No. of the clients, Name of the clients, and status to show whether the client is officially published in the system.

Click on the Pen icon under the Action section of any particular client to change, review, edit, or update their details. So, when you click the icon, you will be redirected to another page.

Check, edit, or update the details like the client’s name, contact number, email ID, status of the client, and upload the agreement with the client if you have it with you. Add more details in the Other Details box as a reminder or note for future interactions with the client.

Click the Save button at the page’s bottom to update the details.

Go back to the Client page. Find the + button at the top right corner. It takes you to the same page like the one you were editing before for updating client information.

However, you will be filling in the details the first time to add a fresh client.

So, when you’re done adding the details, click Submit, and the new client will be reflected in the Client list.

Otherwise, you can click the Import button, next to the + icon for uploading a CSV file of your clients. This is an easier and faster way of adding multiple clients in the list at once.

Click the dedicated Export button at the top of the page to download the existing list of clients to your computer for further auditing or reviewing purposes.

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