Profile Page Overview

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The profile page in uKnowva, highlights all the relevant information of an employee, including their insights. You will find employee data fields like employee ID, email ID, designation, full name, contact information., employment status, etc., on this page.

Additionally, you can view other essential employee information like their current and permanent address, and employment information like bank details, PF number, joining date, confirmation date, etc., according to view access assigned to you.

Let’s get into the details of each such information on uKnowva to learn how to manage an employee’s profile and database.


Profile Page Overview

Click My Profile on the left side menu on the main page to open your profile page.

Find the profile picture section on the left side. Click this picture to view it. To edit the profile picture, click on the pencil button. There is a like button below your profile picture. Others can come to your profile and give your picture a like to improve engagement with you.

Besides your profile picture, you can view your full name and designation. Below that, you will find the list of other information like Employee ID, Email ID, Contact No., Employee Status, Team that you belong to, and Reports to section.

Just below that, you have a snippet of various insights related to your profile. This may include insights on Points, Groups, Colleagues, Photos, Videos, etc.

Super admins can configure these fields to add or remove elements from these insights, if required.

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