How to fill in details in an offer letter before rolling out?

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The uKnowva Recruitment Module provides an easy-to-follow process for filling out all necessary details in an offer letter before sending it to a candidate. This ensures accuracy and consistency in the recruitment process, meeting both company standards and candidate expectations.

Steps to Fill in Details in an Offer Letter

1. Access the Applicant’s Profile

Navigate to the "My Applicants" sub-menu in the Recruitment menu. Select the applicant for whom you want to roll out the offer letter. Change the applicant’s status to "Approved/Placed" , then click on "Roll Out Offer Letter" .

2. Enter Offer Letter Information

In the Rollout Offer Letter section, fill in all necessary details for the offer letter. Ensure the information is accurate and aligns with company standards and the candidate’s role.

3. Complete Basic Information

In the Update Candidate Details page, fill out all fields under Basic Information to ensure the candidate's details, such as name, contact information, and job title, are accurate.

4. Add Profile Information

On the same Update Candidate Details page, enter details under Profile Information to capture additional information relevant to the candidate’s profile and role.

5. Fill in Salary Details

Provide the Salary Details in the Update Candidate Details page. After entering all information, click on "Save" to finalise.


Following these steps ensures that all relevant information is included in the offer letter, creating a smooth and professional process within the uKnowva Recruitment Module.


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