Checking the Leave Policy

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Checking your leave balance log

Click Balance Log from the bar above or from the Leave menu in the left-side panel of your page.

The table will show you the Serial No. of the leaves, Leave Type, Change in the balance of that leave type, Balance of your leaves, Message of leave to explain the addition or subtraction, Updated on to specify the date the change in the balance log has been made.

Click the funnel at the top-right corner.

Choose the From and To date options and select Search to specify the page view below according to the dates of your choice.

Select the Leave Types from this filter field to know the balance log of a particular leave only.

Click Reset to get the default view.

A single page will show you about 100 records, which you can change from the Display Num’s drop-down menu options given at the bottom left side of the page.

The filter fields and the table fields can be customised by your HR or super admin, if required, as per the organisation’s policies.

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