Checking Leave History

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Checking leave history

Now, follow the same steps above and find My Leave History. Click this option, and the page loads.

Get an overview of your leave history here on this page, where it shows your history date, type, reason for the leave, status and also the ability to view a certain leave in detail by clicking the Eye button under the Action section of each leave type.

The Leave Request Details page that loads reflects the approval matrix and status of approval of the chosen leave.

Go back and find the leave history page. Find the Cancel option next to the Eye button. This option allows you to cancel your current leave application. If the chosen leave application has a pending status, you can cancel the leave directly.

However, if the leave has been approved, it will go through another approval to get cancelled. You might as well put up another reason there to cancel your approved leave to keep a record.

Now cancel or close any pop-up window if it appears when trying to cancel the leave. Make sure you’re back on the Leave history page.

Find and click the funnel at the top right corner to check the leave history according to a specific field, as explained below.

Some of the fields you can get in the filter are:

  • Search for searching the leaves by name, employee ID, username, or multiple users/IDs by using a comma.

  • From and To for specifying the dates.

  • User Group to find the past leaves applied for a particular user group.

  • Leave Type to check specific types of leaves you’ve applied for in the past.

  • Leave Status to check either approved, cancelled, pending, or rejected leaves you’ve applied for in the past.

  • The Designation allows you to filter the leave history page according to the designation of the user for whom you’ve applied the leaves. The user can be you or someone else if you've applied for someone else as well.

  • City/Town allows you to filter the leave history page according to the city/town you’ve applied from.

  • The same is the case for the State filter option.

Once you choose all the filters of your choice, click Search, and the results will be reflected automatically on the page below.

Click Reset if you want to reset the dates, and then follow the same process of specifying the dates and clicking Search.

The above filter options are customisable. Your HR or super admin can add or delete filters as per the organisation’s latest guidelines.

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