Applying for a Leave

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Applying for a leave


Find and click on Apply for leave in the sub-menus.

The page selects the “For Me” option by default under the User section when you are applying for yourself.

Find and click on Select leave type under the User section. You will get a new drop-down menu. Select the type of leave you’re applying from the given menu. The leave types as per the system configuration and the ones which you can apply for currently as per your leave balance will reflect here.

Next, you need to select the date for the leave. You have three options: Full day, half day, or multiple days leave.

When you select Full day, you get to select a date to apply for the leave.

When you select Half day, first you select which part of the day you want a leave for and select the date.

When you select Multiple days, you have to select From the first/second half of a date to the first/second half of the next date.

Write a reason in the text box at the bottom to give clarity to the HR and the reporting manager when you apply for a leave.

Click Save and wait for the reporting manager or the HR to approve or reject your leave request.

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