How to Send a Colleague Request in uKnowva HRMS

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Connecting with colleagues on uKnowva HRMS enables easier collaboration and enhances communication across your organisation. 

By sending a connection or add-as-colleague request to your peers or colleagues, you can build your professional network within the platform. 

Here’s how to send such a request to another user in uKnowva HRMS.

Steps to Send a Add as Colleague Request

You can send an Add as Colleague request to your peers in two ways: by browsing through the People section or by using the uKnowva Search feature

Follow either of the methods below.

Steps to Send a Colleague Request

Method 1: Using the Directory

1. Find the People Icon in the Top Navigation
In the top navigation bar, look for the People icon, which resembles a group of people. Click on it to open a drop-down menu.

2. Select Directory from the Drop-down Menu
In the drop-down menu, click on Directory. This will open a list of all users in your uKnowva HRMS portal. 

3. Locate the User
Browse through the list or use filters to find the user you wish to connect with.

4. Click the Three-Dot Icon
Once you locate the user, find the three-dot icon next to their name. Click on it to open a set of options.

5. Select Add as Colleague
In the options that appear, select Add as Colleague to send a Colleague Request to that user.

Method 2: Using the Search Bar

1. Search for the User
Use the top search bar to type the name of the colleague you want to connect with. Select their profile from the search results.

2. Go to the User’s Profile
Once on their profile page, click Add as Colleague to send a connection request.

Following these steps, you can easily add colleagues in your dedicated uKnowva HRMS portal and expand your professional network.


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