How to setup a custom whitelabeled URL for your uKnowva instance

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Many a times our customers love the system so much that they want to own it as well and want to whitelabel it completely in terms of look and feel as well as the URL.

By default, the URL for any cloud based instance of uKnowva is something like , now if you wish to change this to say , then you can follow the below process

1. Add a CNAME record in the DNS of such that the becomes an alias of (IF you are not sure about how to add DNS, then you should either get in touch with your IT department or reach out to your domain registrar or host)

2. Send an email to helpdesk[at]uknowva[dot]com to add a listener for the above created URL .i.e. , once the support team adds this, your uknowva instance would start working on the new URL

Please note: URL masking/whitelabeling is available only for paid customers. If you have any further queries, please do reach out to us on or write to our support team.

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