Exploring the Index in Forums of uKnowva HRMS

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The forum section in uKnowva HRMS provides an organized way for users to discuss topics, share information, and collaborate effectively.

It allows users to categorize discussions, create new topics, and manage existing ones with ease. Understanding how to navigate and utilize this section ensures that information is well-structured and accessible to all relevant users.

To explore forums, locate the iicon representing forums in the header of the homepage.

Clicking on this icon opens a drop-down menu with multiple options, including:

  • Index

  • Recent Topics

  • New Topic

  • My Topics

  • Add Category

Selecting the Index option redirects you to a new interface where all discussion categories and topics are displayed.

On this page, the "Mark all topics read" button is available at the top left, allowing users to mark all discussions as read for easier tracking.

On the top right, there is an "Add Category" button, which, when clicked, opens a pop-up window containing several fields to configure a new category.

These fields include Parent Category, Category Name, Short Description, Accessible To, Moderators, and a Review Posts toggle button.

Once all the necessary details are filled, clicking the Save button adds the category, while clicking Cancel discards the action.

Next to the "Add Category" button, there is a grid button that, when clicked, opens another drop-down menu containing options similar to the initial drop-down, including ndex, Recent Topics, New Topic, and My Topics, allowing you to quickly navigate through the interface.

Below this, a category drop-down menu is available, accompanied by a "Go" button that helps navigate through specific categories more efficiently.

The interface further organizes topics into parent categories such as General Discussions and Company Information Resources.

Each parent category contains subcategories, which can be expanded or collapsed using the "-" button at the end of the row.

Hovering over a category name reveals a Pen icon for editing category details and a Bin icon for deleting the category.

The same options apply to subcategories under parent categories, ensuring that users can update or remove discussion topics as needed.

Each row under a parent category displays useful information, including the category name, the number of topics within it, the number of replies, and details of the latest post.

To edit the sub-category hover over it and click on the Pen icon.

It will open a pop-up window where you can modify the details and save the modifications click on the Save button or Cancel button to discard the changes.


To delete the sub-category hover over it and click on the Bin icon, and a confirmation prompt will appear, click on the Ok to delete it. This action will ensure that the sub-category is deleted.

This layout ensures that users can quickly access relevant discussions, track engagement, and manage forum activity efficiently.

By effectively utilizing these features, users can maintain an organized and structured discussion environment within uKnowva HRMS.

This enables better communication, knowledge sharing, and collaboration across teams. If you have any questions or need additional support, feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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