Applying For Travel Reimbursement Claim

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Applying for travel reimbursement claim


Go to the Travel Reimbursement sub-menu from the Reimbursements main menu at the left side of the page if you wish to initiate the travel reimbursement claims.

The page will load a detailed form. It might ask you basic information like:

  • Name
  • Purpose
  • To and from dates of the travel
  • Manager
  • Department

Further, it has a section of No. of expenses. There you add the categories and number of expenses for each day of your trip. It has a + button, which helps you add more expenses to make the calculations simpler to understand for each day.

For each expense, you might need to add dates, comments, description, expenses on categories like Hotel, Fuel, Transport, Meals, Misc., etc. Each expense has a field named Total which automatically sums up the amount for the day.

The next section of this page will automatically calculate and bifurcate the expenses in different categories incurred during all of your travel days.

You can deduct any amount from the total expenses if there is from this calculator so that it then shows the Net Amount Payable for the accounts team to release the same later on.

You can also manually click the Calculate utton to refresh the totals of the entire expense sheet.

The very next section is for the Attachments. You will have to attach the proof of bills for the expenses incurred during the trip, especially the ones you have entered in the calculator above to justify the claims you’re asking for.

The final section of this page will include the Bank Account details which you need to enter for the accounts department to credit your dues rightfully.

Once you’re done filling the entire page, crosscheck the details, especially the bank account number, IFSC, etc., carefully. Then, click Submit. The request will reach your approver immediately for approving, rejecting, asking for a change, or delegating to the next level approver, if any.

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