Requesting For Travel Tickets

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Requesting for Travel tickets


You can request for travel tickets directly from uKnowva’s system if you are to travel for business purposes in the coming days or weeks. For that, find the Travel Request sub-menu from Requests main menu on the left side of the panel.

Wait for the form to load on the centre of the page. It shall include certain fields that you would need to fill to ask for the travel tickets from the HR or finance department.

The fields might include Employee code, Gender, travel to/from details, Dates of the travel, whether wanting to book a return ticket, the purpose of the travel, etc.

The fields might vary in this form as well.

Once you’re sure of the details you’ve entered in this form, hit the Submit button at the end of the page. Your request then gets forwarded to your reporting manager, who is usually your immediate approver.

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