Giving Exit Clearances

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Giving exit clearances


Get all your clearance requests in one place. Find and click the Clearance sub-menu from the Approval main menu.

The page loads and lists all the important necessary details like the Name of the requester, Action to be taken, employee code, clearance department, designation, date of joining, resigned on, last working date, status of the exit clearance.

Click the Eye button under the Action section to review the resignation details of the selected employee.

Check details like how many levels of clearance have been approved to date, which departments have been given the clearance, which ones are pending, whom does the employee report to, remarks left by their reporting manager and HR managers, the person whom the KT (Knowledge Transfer) has been assigned to, etc. Also get details on whether the exit interview has been pending or not in the same page.

Go back to the Clearance page. Select the tick mark icon next to the Eye button

You will be redirected to the page where you have to give the clearance from your end. Check all the assets according to your department and mark Yes/No/NA to start the clearance process. Leave the comment in the comment box next to it if you have any remarks or comments.

Scroll the page and click Submit to give approval from your end for the selected resignation request.

Go back to the Clearance page and find the Funnel button at the top. Click it to filter this pageview according to Department, Status, Designation, Location, etc.

Click Submit once you’re done choosing the fields to filter the page view.

Click Reset when you want to go back to the original or default view of the page.

The fields here may differ as set up by your organisation’s super admin.

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