Checking All Approvals

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Checking all approvals


Go to the Approvals main menu on the left side of the panel. Click it and find the “All Approvals” sub-menu. Click this option to load the dedicated page.

On this page, you get a comprehensive view of all the requests that are pending at your end to reject or approve. The list shows the Request Type, Action to be taken, User who applied for the request, status of the request, approver, and date it was created on as basic details of each request.

There is a drop-down menu at the end of each request. Click it and find more details about a particular request pending for approval. This can include Employee Name, Employee username, Leave Type, Leave Duration, Applied on, To/From dates, etc.

Click the Eye button under the dedication Action section to accept/reject a request instantly.

However, when you click it, a new page opens. This page will have all the details of this request to help you make an informed decision about rejecting or approving it objectively.

First, find the Delegate button at the top. Leverage this button if you want to delegate this request for approvals to another person at the moment.

Otherwise, find the Accept and Reject buttons at the bottom of this page when you scroll down. Choose any button to take the dedicated action. Then, leave a comment in the comment box below, if required, to leave a reason for the action you’ve taken so each approval or rejection is done responsibly and fairly.

Go back to the “All Approvals” page. You have the option to select multiple requests at once. Then, approve, reject, or delegate them at once. For that, check the top of the page. It has buttons named: Accept, Reject, and Delegate.

Next, find the Export button at the top left side. Click this button when you download the entire list of current requests in CSV/XLSX format, whichever is approved by your system admin. Additionally, you will get the Funnel button at the top right corner of this page.

Click this button to filter the page view according to From, To, Request type, Approval pending from, Requested by, etc.

The options here might be added or deleted by the super admin accordingly.

Once you know which fields to choose, click Select. It will present you with the filtered page. To go back to the default page view, click Reset.

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