The Complete Tutorial of Resignation Module

1.1  My Resignation

 Resignation is the formal act of leaving or quitting one's office or position. When you resign, you give up all of the responsibilities associated with your job. When a resignation is applied for self, the module will show request page as shown below:

·      For User: If you choose Me as option, you are only asked for “Reason of leaving” and Remarks. Whereas if you are a head and you choose another user you will also be asked for a user name (Refer screenshot below)

 ·       Emp Id: It is a unique employee id given to each employee.

 ·       Notice Period: It has default number of days set by admin.

 ·       Reason for leaving: Has a drop down list menu with predefined reasons.

 ·       Last day of work: Is auto calculated with the current date and the number of days to be served as notice period.

 ·       Notice period shortfall: Due to any reason, if the employee is not able to serve notice period by some number of days is notice period shortfall

 ·       Remarks: Is by the name it goes of adding any remark for the resignation application.

When you submit the resignation form after filling in the required details, it notifies the system, admin, HRs, management, and reporting manager (as set by the workflow).