Managing Overdue tickets in the Helpdesk

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Managing overdue tickets is an essential task to ensure timely resolution and maintain efficient operations within the Helpdesk of uKnowva HRMS. 

Overdue tickets can affect customer satisfaction and workflow efficiency, making it crucial to track, update, and resolve them promptly. 

uKnowva HRMS provides a user-friendly interface and various tools to help you manage these tickets effectively. 

Viewing overdue tickets:

To manage overdue tickets in the Helpdesk section of uKnowva HRMS, first navigate to the Helpdesk menu from the side navigation bar. 

When you click on the Helpdesk menu, a new interface will open up, displaying various tabs. 

By default, you will land on the "Open" tab, but to focus on overdue tickets, you will need to click on the "Overdue" tab. 

In this section, you will see a list of your overdue tickets with headers such as Ticket, Date, Subject, Department, Priority, From, and Assigned to.

Searching overdue tickets:

On the right-hand side, there is a search field with a search button next to it. 

The search button allows you to filter the list of tickets based on your search criteria. It helps narrow down the results quickly, making it easier to find specific tickets. 

Next to the Search button, you will find an "Advanced" option, which, when clicked, opens more refined filtering options. 

These include selecting a department from a drop-down menu, filtering by ticket status with options like Open, Overdue, or Closed, and choosing the type of search like Scan or Fulltext. 

You can also filter by date range using the "From" and "To" fields, where a calendar will appear to allow you to select the dates. 

The "Assigned to" field enables you to choose from a drop-down list of staff members. Additionally, there is a "Sort by" option where you can choose how to sort the list (e.g., by Priority, Date, or Department), with an option to set the order to either ascending or descending.

If you want to view the details of a specific ticket, simply click on any ticket from the list. This will open the ticket in its detailed view, where you can see all relevant information. 

Reopening overdue tickets:

If you need to mark a ticket as reopened, select the checkboxes next to the tickets you want to reopen and click on the "Reopen" button located at the top of the ticket list. 

A confirmation alert will appear, and you will need to click "ok" to proceed or click cancel to abort.

Closing an overdue ticket:

To close a ticket, select the checkboxes next to the tickets you want to close and click on the "Close" button at the top of the list.

Again, a confirmation alert will appear, and you can click "ok" to confirm or  “cancel” to abort.

Deleting an overdue ticket:

To delete a ticket, select the checkboxes next to the tickets you wish to delete and click on the "Delete" button at the top. 

A confirmation alert will appear, and you will need to click "ok" to delete the ticket or “cancel” to abort.

That's it!

You have now learned how to manage overdue tickets in your dedicated uKnowva HRMS instance. 


If you have any questions or need additional support, feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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