Viewing and searching for answered tickets in the helpdesk

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The Helpdesk module in uKnowva HRMS streamlines ticket management, ensuring you handle tickets efficiently and communicate effectively. 

Answered tickets are those that have received responses but may need further action, such as closing, reassigning, or transferring. This guide will help you manage answered tickets with ease.

Start by navigating to the Helpdesk menu from the side navigation panel. 

Click on it to open the Helpdesk interface. 

By default, the system displays the "Open" tab, where you can see all open tickets. 

To manage answered tickets, switch to the "Answered" tab. 

Here, you’ll find a list of tickets with columns for Ticket, Date, Subject, Department, Priority, From, and Assigned To. 

These headers organize the tickets and provide a clear view of their status.

At the top of the answered ticket list, you’ll find a search field accompanied by a Search button, use it to find specific tickets. 

Next to the search button, click on the "Advance" option in brackets to access advanced search filters. 

Refine your search of the answered tickets by department, status (like Open, Overdue, or Closed), type (Scan or Fulltext), or date range. 

You can also filter by the assigned staff member and sort the ticket list by priority, date, or department. Decide whether you want the results in ascending or descending order for better clarity.

That's it!


You have now learned how to view and search for the answered tickets in your dedicated uKnowva HRMS instance’s helpdesk menu. 


If you have any questions or need additional support, feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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