How to use Webhooks in uKnowva HRMS

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Here is a step-by-step guide on getting Webhook:


What is a 'Webhook' ?

A webhook is an HTTP-based callback function that allows lightweight, event-driven communication between 2 application programming interfaces (APIs). Webhooks are used by a wide variety of web apps to receive small amounts of data from other apps, but webhooks can also be used to trigger automation workflows in GitOps environments.

Because webhooks can connect event sources to automation solutions, they are one way to launch event-driven automation to perform IT actions when a specified event occurs.


Why do I need it?

Traditional API interactions often involve constant polling or manual data transfer, which can be inefficient and time-consuming. Webhooks offer a more elegant solution by enabling real-time, event-driven communication between applications. When a specific event occurs in one application (source), a lightweight HTTP callback (webhook) is triggered, notifying another application (destination) with relevant data. This eliminates the need for constant checks and allows applications to react instantly to changes, automating workflows and fostering a more dynamic and interconnected ecosystem. Imagine receiving automatic updates in your marketing platform whenever customer data changes in your CRM – that's the power of webhooks in action. They streamline data exchange, improve efficiency, and empower applications to become truly event-driven.


How to use Webhook in uKnowva HRMS?


For this, we will need 2 instances. We will name them Instance A and Instance B.


We will be demonstrating “Push Single Attendance Record” in this document.


Instance A


Step 1: Click here and follow the steps outlined in the document


Step 2: Copy the Token


Instance B


Step 1: Log in to Instance B and click on "Webhooks" in the left-hand side menu.


Step 2: Click on the "Add" button to add a new Web Hook.


Step 3: Fill in all the information on the Web Hooks page.


Step 4: Select the "Webhook Table" from the drop-down menu.


Step 5: Select "Webhook Event" from the drop-down menu, based on the task you want to perform. For now, we are selecting "INSERT"                                                                                                                            


Step 6: Select the "Webhook View" from the drop-down menu. If we want to send additional information then we use this. Not mandatory.


Step 7: Select the “Webhook View Join Condition” as per your requirements, you can also add more conditions by clicking on the “+” icon. columns of webhook table


Step 8: Paste the API Endpoint in "Webhook URL," select the Webhook method, and enter the Token in "Webhook Header Param."



Step 9: Check the Body Type of the API and choose the correct "Web Hook Body Type."




Step 10: Check the mandatory fields to be entered and fill them carefully, then click on the "Save" button.



Step 11: After clicking on the Save button, go to uKnowva Configuration.



Step 12: Click on "Global Configuration".



Step 13: Scroll down and click on the "Execute Cron” link.



Note: Enter the IP address in "Allowed IPs to run Scheduled cron tasks."



Go to MY Team -> My Team’s Attendance.




Here choose the user you want to perform the Webhook for. In this case, it's considered Bilva as the user. On the 10th, you can see he is absent.


Click on the 10th to add the attendance and click on the "Save" button.



Click on the 10th to add the attendance and click on the "Save" button.



Go to the cron website of Instance B and refresh the site.



Go to Instance A.


Click on “View Attendance Calendar.”


Here, as you see on the 10th, he’s absent on Instance B. But as we're using the Web Hook, by clicking on the Sync Attendance button, it will sync the attendance of Instance A and will mark him present on the 10th.



In case you face any problems, then please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., our awesome support team will surely help you!


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