Deploy Report as API

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Here is a step-by-step guide on deploying a Report as API.


What is a 'Deploy Report as API' ?


The 'Deploy Report as API' feature gives your report a whole new level of accessibility and flexibility. By toggling 'Yes' for 'Deploy Report as API,' you're essentially granting permission for the report's data to be accessed through an API. This generates a unique API TOKEN, acting as a secure key for authorised users to retrieve the report's insights. The provided API URL serves as the report's designated endpoint, allowing integration with third tools for easy data retrieval. Additionally, you can specify a Record Limit to manage the amount of data returned per API call.


This feature is designed to empower users with seamless integration and efficient access to the report's valuable information.


Why do I need it?


Enabling the 'Deploy Report as API' feature empowers you to seamlessly integrate your report's data with external systems, automate data sharing, and enhance accessibility. Whether you're looking to improve efficiency or simply make your report more versatile, enabling the API deployment opens up a world of possibilities for leveraging its data in various ways tailored to your needs.


How to generate the Deploy as API Key?


Follow the steps outlined below:


Step 1: Click on 'Reports' in the Navigation Bar as Admin Login




Step 2: Click on ‘Add New Report’ or click on ‘Edit Report’ button for making a report as API



Step 3: Select the Report Category and Filter By as per your convenience. Make sure when selecting Filter By choosing Filters which have common nouns or Date. For example: Designation, Blood Group etc




Step 4: After entering your required fields click on 'Settings'.




Step 5: Click on the 'Deploy Report As API' Radio button to generate the API.




Step 6: The system will auto-generate API Token, API URL, and Record Limit.




Step 7: To re-generate a new token click on 'Generate Token'. It will create a new Token. The Record Limit here represents the limit of record as per API call. For now we’ll set a Record limit of 15.




To Change the limit of the record, go to uKnowva Configuration-> Apps Manager-> Reporting tool


Step 8: Click on the 'Submit' button to save changes.



How to use Report API in Postman

Step 8: To use the API in Postman, use the API URL and API Token, and the request method is 'POST’.




Step 9: Enter the 'Filter' as per your convenience.




In case you face any problems, then please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., our awesome support team will surely help you!


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