Data Privacy on our Cloud

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Many customers ask us this question:

We are going to move our business completely on your software, how do you ensure that our data is protected?

Here is how we protect your data

  1. How do you protect our data from cyber attacks? uKnowva is VAPT tested, which ensures it has passed the top 10 vulnerability tests of the OWASP model. You can refer the report here: and also read this article to know more on the security practices we take on all levels:
  2. How do you ensure our data does not mix up with other customer's data? Every uKnowva instance (be it on Cloud or On-Premise), runs on a separate code base and separate database unlike other cloud applications where either or both of the two is shared. This ensures that all instances run in a mutually exclusive manner .i.e. No data or files can be accessed by one instance of other (Not event through a code bug) as these permissions are set on the Operating System level
  3. How do you ensure you (uKnowva) or your team does not access our data? If you are on our cloud, then we do have access to your data, but internally we follow a Privacy control protocol which states that the data of any instance will be accessed only on customer's request (The request can be through a support ticket or through a forum post, email or a phone support request). The support team has limited access and the entire access of data is only available with the CEO and Infrastructure head who also (along with all other employees) are within the limitations of a Non-disclosure agreement which states that any misuse of data can lead to Punitive and Legal actions.
  4. What happens to the data if we plan to discontinue in future? In that case you may just write to our support team and they shall suspend the account, post which the data still is available on our production servers for 3 months and then it is moved into a cloud storage for a year and then eventually deleted. In case you want the complete data to be immediately deleted, you may request for the same in the support ticket and we shall delete it completely immediately and inform you over the ticket

We hope the above points answers your question, in case of any further queries, do write on our forums:


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