Release Notes for uKnowva - January 2024

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This month we have worked upon enhancing existing modules to give our clients better User experience. Apart from these we have made a few for UI changes.


1.Admin users can now change their role to normal employee or admin from my menu

2.We have given a new option to set leave utilization frequency while adding leave type to set –

a.Number of leaves that can be availed in a particular duration.

b.Number of times that a particular leave can be availed in a particular duration.


a.The rating for PMS now has description option to define each rating as per company policy

b.Calculation of ratings as per weightage given to each category now possible

4.Acknowledgement Module UI/UX enhanced

5.Password policy enhanced

6.AI Suggest now available on the KRA template page

7.Custom fields now available in the Punch in and Punch out pages of virtual biometric

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