Managing Hold Salaries in uKnowva HRMS

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The Hold Salaries sub-menu in HR Manager’s main menu in uKnowva HRMS enables HR and system admins to manage payroll processes effectively. 

This tutorial walks you through the steps to export salary details, filter records, and process salaries on the Hold Salaries page. 

By following these instructions, you can ensure accurate salary management while optimising your payroll workflow.

From exporting detailed salary reports to processing payments in bulk, this guide covers essential operations needed to maintain smooth payroll procedures.

Table of Contents

  1. Exporting hold salary records
  2. Filtering hold salary records
  3. Processing hold salaries
  4. Viewing individual attendance

1. Exporting salary

Go to the Hold Salaries page by clicking the Hold Salaries sub-menu from the HR Manager’s main menu

Once you are on this page, locate the Export to Excel button at the top-right of the screen and click it.

An Excel file with all the displayed salary details will automatically download to your system.

This file will include information such as employee names, month/year, paid days, unpaid days, and various salary components.

2.  Filtering salary

On the Hold Salaries page, locate the funnel icon at the top-right corner.

Click the funnel icon to open the filter options. You can filter salary records based on various criteria such as Month/Year, and user groups.

After selecting the desired filters, click the Search button to apply them. To clear the filters, click the Reset button.

3. Processing salaries

Locate the Process Salaries button at the top-right of the screen.

Select the employees whose salaries you want to process by checking the boxes next to their names. After selecting the required employees, click the Process Salaries button.

The system will start processing the selected salaries.

4. Viewing individual attendance

If you want to view individual attendance details, click on the eye icon under the Action column next to the employee's name. 

This will redirect you to their attendance page, where you can view and manage attendance information.

To know the entire working of this attendance report page, you can further click hereand understand it in detail. 


Managing hold salaries in uKnowva HRMS is a seamless process that ensures efficient payroll management. 

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily export salary records, filter relevant data, and process payments with precision. 

These features empower HR teams and system admins to streamline their payroll workflows while maintaining accuracy and control.

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