Adding new shifts in uKnowva HRMS

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This feature allows HR and admins to create and define new shifts, specifying details like start/end timings, shit hours, and shift names. 

It is essential for accommodating changing work schedules, new projects, or organizational growth. By adding shifts, HR ensures employees are assigned accurate work hours, maintaining smooth operations and workforce efficiency.

Go to the Shift Master List page by clicking the HR Manager section in the main menu and selecting the Shift Master List.

Click the Add button located at the top of the page. 

A new form will appear for you to enter the details of the new shift.

Fill in the Title, Start Time, End Time, Late After, and Early Before fields with the relevant information.

Once you’ve entered all the necessary details, click Save to add the new shift to the Shift Master List. If you want to cancel the addition, click the Cancel button to discard the changes.

That’s it!

You have now learned how to systematically add new shifts in the shift master list in your dedicated uKnowva HRMS instance.


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