Managing Letter Templates in uKnowva HRMS Instance

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Efficiently managing letter templates is essential for maintaining consistent and professional communication within an organisation. 

This tutorial guides HR and system admins through the process of creating, editing, generating, and deleting letter templates in uKnowva HRMS. 

Learn how to customise letter content with specific rules and formulae, ensuring each template meets your organisational needs.

From generating PDFs for individuals or in bulk to managing accessibility, this guide provides step-by-step instructions to streamline your document workflows. 

Enhance your administrative capabilities and ensure seamless correspondence using uKnowva HRMS's letter template management features.

Table of Contents

  1. Adding new letter templates
  2. Editing existing letter templates
  3. Generating PDF for the existing letter templates
  4. Deleting letter templates
  5. Searching letter templates


1. Adding new letter templates

Go to the HR main menu at the left side of the panel and click the Letter Templates sub-menu.

 Click on the New Template button on the top right side of this page. 

A new page loads where you can add new details for it.

For instance, write the Title, Accessible To, and the letter content with formulae and rules in the editor below. 

The shortcut keys or literals are given at the bottom of the page for better or clearer understanding while creating, editing, and adding a new letter template to the uKnowva HRMS portal. 

Once you’re done adding the details of this letter, click Save or else click Cancel if you wish to restart.

2. Editing existing letter templates

Find the letter you want to edit on this page, then click the Pen icon under the Action button. 

A new page opens, and here you can edit the Title, Accessible To, and the entire letter content or rules from the editor below. 

Once you’re done, click Save to update or click Cancel to restart. 

3. Generating PDF for the existing letter templates

Click the Generate button to generate PDF files for the selected letter template on the Letter Templates page. 

When you click it, a new window pops up. It has two tabs: Generating PDF for individuals or in bulk.

Type in the user name in the section in front of the User category in the Individual tab. 

When you move to the In bulk tab, enter multiple users and separate the same with commas. 

You also have the option to send emailsto users for sending them PDFs at once, along with the option to send notifications to users for the same. Click on the checkboxes to the action they represent while generating the PDF.

Once you are done with entering users and the options listed above, click Generate

4. Deleting letter templates

Select the Bin icon under the Action column in front of the selected letter template. Click it to delete it. A window appears to ask you for confirmation to delete it forever from the uKnowva HRMS portal. 

5. Searching letter templates

The Letter Templates Page has a search bar at the top left corner. Write the keywords or key phrases there and click Search, and the page will filter out itself in seconds. 

To reset the Letter Template pageview, click Reset

In conclusion, managing letter templates in uKnowva HRMS provides a streamlined and efficient way for HR managers and system admins to create, edit, and generate professional correspondence for the organization. 

By following the simple steps outlined above, you can easily customize letter content, generate PDFs for individuals or in bulk, and ensure proper accessibility. 

This sub-menu not only saves time for HR leaders but also enhances their communication and engagement consistently within the organization.

In case you face any problems, then please write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., our awesome support team will surely help you!

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