Adding a New Holiday in uKnowva HRMS System

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The Add Holiday sub-menu in the HR Manager’s main menu in uKnowva’s HRMS system allows HR managers to effectively manage holidays for employees, ensuring that everyone is aware of official days off throughout the year. 

This sub-menu provides the flexibility to add new holidays, whether they are recurring yearly events, optional holidays, or conditional holidays that depend on specific criteria.

By using this feature, HR managers can maintain a comprehensive holiday calendar, improving communication and planning within the organization. 

This tutorial will guide you through the process of adding new holidays, marking them according to their type, and ensuring that the holiday calendar meets the needs of both the organization and its employees. 

Whether you’re adding a single holiday or managing a full calendar, this guide will cover everything you need to know step by step.

Table of Contents

  1. Adding a new holiday
  2. Marking a holiday yearly holiday
  3. Marking a holiday optional holiday
  4. Marking a holiday conditional holiday

1 . Adding a new holiday

To add a new holiday, navigate to the Add Holiday page from the HR Manager menu on the left side of the panel. Click on the Add Holiday sub-menu.

The “Add Holiday” window lets you add a new holiday into the system which you can then save by clicking Save and cancel the same action by clicking on the Cancel button. 

Check out more options given in the same window below to configure this new holiday better suited to your organisation’s current requirements. 

2. Marking a holiday yearly holiday 

In the Add Holiday prompt, you will find a toggle switch that can be used to mark the holiday as a Yearly Holiday

Switch it to Yes to ensure that this holiday recurs every year. Then click on the Save button to save the holiday or Cancel button to discard the changes

3. Marking a holiday optional holiday

Find a toggle switch in the same window that can be used to mark the holiday as an optional Holiday and then click on the Save button to save the holiday or the Cancel button to discard the changes.

4. Marking a holiday conditional holiday

Finally, you also have another toggle switch that can be used to mark the holiday as a conditional Holiday. 

Toggle it to Yes to make this new holiday which you’re adding as a conditional holiday then click on the Save button to save the holiday or Cancel button to discard the changes.


Adding holidays in your uKnowva HRMS system is simple and efficient, enabling HR managers like you to maintain a clear and organized holiday calendar. 

By following the steps in this guide, you can add new holidays, mark them as yearly, optional, or conditional, and ensure the holiday calendar aligns with your organization’s needs. 

This feature improves holiday planning and ensures employees are informed about official days off.


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