How to configure smart reminders as per shift

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Updated Virtual Biometric Plugin


The updated virtual biometric plugin sends smart reminders to employees based on their shift time. For example, if a user’s shift starts at a particular time, the employee will receive an email reminder that their shift starts in 15 minutes or whatever the time that is specified in the system.


Now, if the user does not punch-in for the specified shift time, the employee will receive an email after the number of hours configured in the plugin (Eg: 30 min) post the shift had started.

Steps to enable this plugin:

Step 1: Update the latest version of user check-in plugin from Extension Store.




Step 2: Click on uknowva configurations. Go to Plugin manager and search Virtual Biometric- Attendance Tracker




Step 3: You can configure how much earlier users should receive the email that their shift is about to start or how much later they should be reminded that their shift has started but they did not punch-in. Make sure to input time in minutes.





Setting up the Cron:

After enabling the plugin, we need to setup the cron jobs for the following url.



You need to provide the above two links to the uKnowva server team and ask them to set up the cron for every 1-5 minutes (Setup the cron to 1 minute for better accuracy) for the above url.

Users on your instance will now start receiving smart reminders based on their shift timing.

Note: Only the users who have shift allocated to them will receive email reminders. Also you may disable {{Enable Smart Punch in reminder}} the feature that sends smart reminders on the basis of average punch-in time in configurations.

What is {{Enter query limit for reminding users per request}} in configurations?

Ans: This is the maximum number of users that will be polled for smart reminders per cron request. By default, its 100.


If you have any questions or need additional support, feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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