How to setup HR SPOCS in uKnowva

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HR SPOCS are individuals entitled to all the role and responsibilities of a HR manager, although these responsibilities will be with regards to specific employees only.

Employees will be individually mapped to specific HR spocs in their profile. Every HR spoc will carry out the HR activities pertaining only to the employees who have been mapped to them. 


Steps to define individuals as HR SPOCS and map them to employees:


Step 1: Go to the 'uKnowva Configuration' and click on the menu ‘App Manager’.

Step 2: Search for ‘HRM Lite’ from the App Manager menu.



Step 3: Enable HR SPOC. If you set Yes than every employee should have his own HR. Else universal HR will be applicable.

Step 4: Select the respective HR Spoc field i.e HR Manager.

Note: HR Manager field which will be visible under the employment information tab in profile details of employees.




Step 5: Click on the edit profile of the employee and select the HR Manager’s name.


Note: You can set the HR Manager’s name for multiple users by importing user’s profile data with the name of the HR Managers.



Step 6: HR Manager will be able to access the menu’s/operations under HR Manager for his/her employees only.


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