How to configure Investment Declarations

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1. Click on profile picture and then click on "uKnowva Configuration"


2. Click on "Apps Manager" and search 'Investment' in the search bar and then click on "Investment Declaration App"


3. Make sure you select "Yes" on the "Published" option and also keep "All" in the 'Accessible To' option


4. You can define the Approver of Investment Declarations by selecting the required details. Or you can also write the Approver's name.


5. You can give access to selected users like top management, HR Managers, Admins etc.


6. You can enter the heads which will be seen in the default salary structure


7. You can put city options for House rent allowance (HRA)


8. Travel allowance, Child allowance, Maximum medical allowance has to be set as per the amount declared in the income tax rules


9. 'Options for loan availed for' to include purchase of property, construction of property etc. This list may change according to income tax rules.


10. You can define to whom you want to avail the mediclaim options. This list can change according to the income tax rules.


11. You can also define medical treatment options to be availed under section 80DD . This list can also change as per income tax rules.


12. After doing all the configurations you will have to click on "Save"


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