How to configure Provident Fund Calculator

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1. Click on profile picture and then click on "uKnowva Configuration"



2. Click on "Plugin Manager" then search "Provident Fund" in the search bar and then click on "Provident Fund Calculator"


3. Make sure the plugin is 'Published' by clicking on "Yes" and also the 'Accessible To' should be on "All"


4. Select "PF Account Number" in the 'provident fund account number' in the 'configuration' column.


5. Select the components on which the Provident Fund will be calculated.


6. Define the percentage of Provident Fund and Employer's contribution.


7. Keep the Threshold PF Limit as per the rules defined in the organization.


8. Select inclusion of Provident fund by clicking on "Yes/No" in the given option.


9. If the Provident Fund is included in the gross salary kindly adjust the same under a head.


10. Define names for employer and employee contributed Provident Fund.


11. You can exclude user groups as well as certain employees from Provident Fund calculation by entering their names in the Exclude User Groups / Exclude Users


12. Once you have done the changes in all the required fields click on "Save"

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