How to setup a geo-fence in uKnowva?

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uKnowva geo-fencing works in tandem with the virtual biometric plugin.

To pin a location, you must define the latitude and longitude. Then you can mention the radius for

specifying the vicinity of the location. The latitude, longitude, and radius will create a perimeter by

defining a geo barrier or fence.


Thus, the employee can’t clock in if they are far away from the office location nor can their buddy

clock in for them. Flexibility for the HR manager to define multiple radii for the location allows

having multiple active geo-fences.


It comes in handy especially for the organizations who have dynamic IPs.

How to Geofence certain locations in uKnowva Virtual biometric?


Step1: Go to uKnowva Configurations


Step 2: Select the ‘Plugin Manager’ from the left-hand menu


Step 3: Search for ‘Virtual Biometric Plugin’ and click on the same.


Step 4: Scroll down to the options for setting up a geo fence



Step 5: You will find the option as - ‘Locations that need not require approval’

Here, mention the name of the location, its latitude and longitude along with the radius in meters.

This will create a perimeter that allows the user to punch in, beyond which his attendance shall not be accepted.

Step 6: Similarly, you can mention multiple locations to geofence them.