How to Regularize attendance in uKnowva?

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This document is about regularizing existing attendance in the system

Step 1) Login into Account.

Step 2) Go to 'My Attendance' menu from the left side.

Step 3) Find the ‘Date’ on which you want to regularize attendance.

Step 4) Click on the date and existing attendance.

Step 5) Enter new start Time and End Time

Note: Your start time should always be greater than the existing end time.

Example: In this screenshot, Start Time is 10:00 AM and End Time is 10:05 AM so, for regularizing attendance you must enter start time greater than 10.05 AM and new end time then click on save/submit.

Note: If your regularized time overlaps with the existing attendance then you will get 'Your session overlaps with the stored session' error message.

Step 6) After approval of attendance regularization request by reporting manager/HR, approved regularized attendance will reflect in the 'My attendance' calendar.