How to upload bulk payslips in uknowva ?

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Over the period since we introduced our Payroll system as a part of our HRMS, many of our clients have opted to process their payroll in our system.

However, there are some who have outsourced the payroll processing to payroll consultants or are comfortable using the system that they have been using for longer than our HRMS.

In such cases, though the payrolls are not processed in our system, the clients still want the payslips to be stored and accessed by the employees in uKnowva HRMS.

Therefore we have made a system where you can upload the payslips created in third-party payrolls which can then be accessed by the employees from the Payslip folder.

Firstly to give access to upload payslips please follow below steps:

Step 1: Go to Apps Manager -> PFT Custom App -> you will find the “Payslips Admin” field where you can add whom to give access to upload payslips.

Please make a note that other payslips which you wish to upload should be in PDF format.



Step 2: Click on right-hand-side-corner Profile icon -> Upload payslips



Step 3: Please upload a zip file of all the payslips here. All payslips should be in the format: EMPCODE/USERNAME(NAME_Month Year).pdf. Example: uknowva(uKnowva system Jun 2015).pdf OR uknowva.pdf, the text in the bracket ( )is not mandatory



Step 4: Click on the upload zip file and select the zip folder from your local machine and upload payslips.

To understand where an employee can view their own payslips, please refer to our article on Viewing payslips.