How to create a custom graph from an SQL query in uKnowva Dashboards

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If you need to create custom graph/node from SQL query on your local or remote database, then do the following steps.

How to add a new menu ?

Go to dashboard page and insert menu name in input-box(Add menu here ). Once you add new menu it will be shown in the Dashboard page in left side.


How to add a new node under that menu ?

Click on "add node" button and select type of node/graph.After clicking on "add node" button you will have options to choose graph.


Also you can create custom graph from query from local and remote database.

There are three type of custom graph.

  1. Line Graph
  2. PIE Graph
  3. Bar Graph


If you choose custom line graph, below are the parameters to configure a line graph.

Title :-> Enter the graph title.
Description :-> Enter the graph description.
Position :-> Select the menu under which node will be created. 
Column :->Select column number.
Class :-> Enter custom class so you can add your cutom css.
Query :->Enter the sql query for which you want to plot graph.
Y-Axis(vertical) query columns (comma seperated if multiple columns need to be added) :-> Enter the column name from query which you want to plot on y-axis of the graph.
Y-Axis(vertical) start from :-> Enter the starting point of graph for e.g. 0(zero).
Y-Axis(vertical) label :->Enter the required name of y-axis.
X-Axis(horizontal) query column :-> Enter the column name from query which you want to plot on x-axis of the graph.

Example of defining parameter in customised line graph :->


If you choose custom pie graph then How to configure customised pie graph.

Title :-> Enter the graph title.
Description :-> Enter the graph description.
Position :-> Select the menu under which node will be created. 
Column :->Select column number.
Class :-> Enter custom class so you can add your cutom css.
Query :->Enter the sql query for which you want to plot graph.
Slice Name(column name) :-> Enter the column name from query for which you want show in slice title(i.e pie graph title). 
Slice Value(column name) :-> Enter the column name from query for which you want show in slice value(i.e pie graph value). 

Example of defining parameters in customised pie graph :->


If you choose custom column/bar graph then How to configure customised column/bar graph.

Title :-> Enter the graph title.
Description :-> Enter the graph description.
Position :-> Select the menu under which node will be created. 
Column :->Select column number.
Class :-> Enter custom class so you can add your cutom css.
Query :->Enter the sql query for which you want to plot graph.
Y-Axis(vertical) query columns (comma seperated if multiple columns need to be added) :-> Enter the column name from query which you want to plot on y-axis of the graph.
Y-Axis(vertical) start from :-> Enter the starting point of graph for e.g. 0(zero).
Y-Axis(vertical) label :->Enter the required name of y-axis.
X-Axis(horizontal) query column :-> Enter the column name from query which you want to plot on x-axis of the graph.
Select an option :-> Select an option for which type of graph you want plot like column,bar.

Example of defining parameter in customised column/bar graph :->


How to Connect to a different database and pull the data from it similarly.

when you click on of graph(for e.g customised line graph under Add Node button) then you will have options to connect with a different database and pull out data from it.


Are your third party database :-> select option yes to connect with third party database or external databse.
Database type :-> Select the database type from options like mysql,mysqli,sqlzure,sqlsrv and oracle .
Database host :-> Enter the host database host name.
Database user :-> Enter the host database user.
Database password :-> Enter the database password.
Database name :-> Enter the database name.
Database prefix :-> Enter the database prefix.