How to Find and Read the Configuration File of your uKnowva Instance

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Follow the steps mentioned below to find and read the configuration file of your uKnowva instance.

  1. To find configuration file path, go to includes/defines.php OR administrator/includes/defines.php file and check below parameter.
    define('JPATH_CONFIGURATION', '/home/account_name/config');
  2. Go to config folder i.e. /home/account_name/config
  3. For security reasons configuration file is stored in an encrypted format; to read this file you need to decrypt the file. To decrypt the file,
    1. Use any online base64 encode/decode, for e.g.,
    2. Copy all the encrypted code from configuration.php file which looks like below

<?php eval(base64_decode(' encrypted code '));

Note: Copy code inside ( ' ' ) and click on decode button.

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