uwvd Recruitment Rejections Report

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The UWVD Recruitment Rejected Report details candidates who were not selected for positions, providing insights into reasons for rejection and areas for improvement in the hiring process.

What do we get:
Columns such as ID, Username, Email, Manager, Designation, and many more will inherit from the Users_Master data source, ensuring that all fields in the Users_Master data are also part of this data source, thereby maintaining consistency and accuracy across employee records. . The following columns are included in this report:


Candidate Id The unique identifier for the candidate.
Job Id The identifier for the job position applied for.
Rejection Reason The specific reason provided for the rejection.
Remarks Additional comments regarding the rejection.
Created On The date the rejection entry was created.
Job Title The title of the job position.
Post Date The date the job was posted.
Expiry Date The date the job posting will expire.
Education The educational qualifications of the candidate.
Department The department associated with the job position.
Filter Date The date filter applied to the report for specific querying.
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