Talent Acquisition Pool

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The Talent Pool Report maintains a database of potential candidates for future job openings, helping HR proactively manage recruitment efforts.

What do we get:
Columns such as ID, Username, Email, Manager, Designation, and many more will inherit from the Users_Master data source, ensuring that all fields in the Users_Master data are also part of this data source, thereby maintaining consistency and accuracy across employee records. . The following columns are included in this report:


User Id A unique identifier for each candidate within the talent pool.
Source Id Identifies the source from which the candidate was acquired, helping to track recruitment channels.
Tel The candidate's telephone number for communication purposes.
Qualification Details of the candidate's educational qualifications.
Salary Expectation The expected salary of the candidate, which aids in alignment with budget constraints.
Work Exp The total years of work experience the candidate has, providing insight into their expertise.
Title The title or position the candidate is applying for or is interested in.
Filename The name of the file associated with the candidate's application or resume.
File Hash A unique hash value for the file, ensuring its integrity and preventing tampering.
Created On The date the candidate was added to the talent pool.
Cover Note Any additional notes provided by the candidate in their application.
Current City The city where the candidate currently resides, which may influence relocation possibilities.
Age The age of the candidate, providing demographic information.
Physical Disability Any noted physical disabilities that may require accommodation.
Industry Type The industry in which the candidate has experience or is seeking employment.
Published Indicates whether the candidate's information is published and available for review.
Is Blacklisted Status indicating if the candidate is blacklisted from consideration.
Notify Me Preference indicating whether the candidate wishes to be notified about job openings.
Is Filled By Candidate Indicates if the position has been filled by the candidate.
Current Ctc The candidate's current cost to company, giving insight into their existing compensation.
Ip Address The IP address from which the candidate submitted their application.
Source Name The name of the source (e.g., job portal) through which the candidate applied.
Category Classification of the candidate based on specific criteria or recruitment needs.
Education Details regarding the candidate's educational background.
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