Monthly Offered Applicants

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The Monthly Offered Applicants Report tracks job offers extended to candidates during a specific month, helping HR monitor recruitment progress and offer acceptance rates.

What do we get:
The following columns have been added for comprehensive insights:


Candidate Id Unique identifier for each candidate, essential for tracking individual applicants.
Filter Date Enables filtering the report based on specific date ranges, enhancing data retrieval capabilities.
Month Indicates the month in which offers were rolled out, aiding in seasonal hiring analysis.
Year Specifies the year of the recruitment activity, allowing for historical comparisons.
Offers Rolled Out Counts the total number of offers extended during the month, providing insight into recruitment effectiveness.
Offer Status Displays the current status of each offer (e.g., accepted, rejected), crucial for understanding candidate engagement.
Month Year Combines month and year for easy reference in reporting and analysis.
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