How to import a monthly attendance without adding Punchin and punchout time in uKnowva

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This process is helpful when the attendance data is received in a staggered way, You may get it at the end of the month many a time and then need to update the attendance entire together of a particular month, also this will be useful while importing the past salary where you require to import attendance,


Just simply follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step 1: Login to your uknowva account Go in My Team’s Attendance


Step 2: On the Top, Select on Import Attendance P&A


Step 3:  Download CSV File of Import users Attendance Present & Absent


Step 4: Enter the Username & Mentioned ‘P’ to mark present on a particular date, ‘A’ to mark Absent


Step 5: Choose the saved file and Upload the file


Step 6: After this attendance sheet will upload and attendance will get import in uKnowva


IF you wish to choose another way that is to import bulk attendance by putting PUCHIN & PUCNHOUT time Please click HERE to follow the steps